Conservation Initiatives at the Camp

Preserving Nature Championing Conservation Efforts

Organic – We grow organic food at the camp and when possible, buy organic or "fair trade." There's a better chance the food is grown in an eco-friendly way, and if it's locally grown, it didn't have to travel that far. This also goes for those double lattes — coffee often has a large carbon footprint because of the distance those beans had to travel to get here, and how they were produced.

Go native – We have use native plant species to landscape around the camp. The plants grow better in the familiar environment. Also, we use organic soil when planting — it's made using more eco-friendly methods, and uses less resources. And green plants are the best way to offset carbon footprints. Shortest Route to the camp – The travel impact is reduced taking the direct route as opposed to longer route so as to reach the camp. We try & escort the guests from a common point so as not to waste energy, time & resources.

Unplug it! – We unplug appliances that we don't use frequently. Cell phone chargers, laptops, televisions, stereos — there's a whole list of items that we unplug when not in use.

We chucked the microwave - A freezer full of meals is actually more energy-intensive — it costs more to freeze foods, ship them cold, display them frozen in the grocery store and keep them frozen in our homes. So while the modern convenience of the microwave and the Lean Cuisine is enticing, it's much more resource-intensive. We cook 100% fresh food and use minimum refrigerators.

Cold water for Laundry – We using cold water to launder things that don't need to be cleaned in hot or warm water. It takes a lot of energy to heat up water — multiply that by the number of loads, and that's a big footprint.
